About the development trend of tactical ground robots
Gerasimov I. M. PDF Abstract. The article provides an analysis of the use and creation of a line of ground-based…
Scientific online journal
Gerasimov I. M. PDF Abstract. The article provides an analysis of the use and creation of a line of ground-based…
Kadochinkov D. M., Kadadova A. V., Sotnikova N. V., Trilis A. V., Utkin V. V. PDF Abstract. The article considers…
Zakhmatov V. D. PDF Abstract. It is proposed to qualitatively strengthen the automatic system of thermal protection and fire extinguishing…
Andryushkin A. Yu., Vedernikov A. Yu., Khmelevskoy N. Yu. PDF Abstract. The durability of metal structures of airplanes and helicopters…
Malkov V. M., Chakchir S. Ya., Kucherenko M. A. PDF Abstract. The influence of the internal geometry of the channel…