ISSN: 2949-401X

Publication ethics

The publication of an article in a journal is a significant contribution to the world knowledge system. Ethical standards for publications guarantee the high quality of scientific publications, the public confidence in scientific research and the recognition of the author’s idea presented in the article.

Editorial board of the journal «Aerospace Engineering and Technology» guarantees an independent and honest examination of all manuscripts, presented for publishing. The journal has no political, ideological, confessional or other preferences. Editorial board reviews the articles, not taking into account race, sex, sexual orientation, religious convictions, ethnic origin, citizenship or political preferences of authors.

Publishing ethics of the journal «Aerospace Engineering and Technology» is based on Singapore directive on research integrity, adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity (, on the recommendations of The Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE), ( and on the regulations of Article 70 «On copyright» of Civil law of the Russian Federation (

Basic principles

All parties, involved into the publication process (authors, reviewers, editors, members of editorial boards and publishers), should conduct themselves ethic

Articles, that do not conform to the ethic standards, are not allowed to be published.

Articles that are considered unethical:

  • Fabrication and falsification of data, presented in the article;
  • Plagiarism;
  • Submitting of the article to several journals;
  • Duplicate publications;
  • Incorrect determination of authorship.

If these violations are detected, the editorial board has the right to refuse to publish the manuscript at any time, including at the stage of preliminary review of materials, without involving reviewers, and not to accept any works from unscrupulous authors for 3 years. If, by coincidence, violations of ethical standards are revealed after the publication of the article, it should be urgently withdrawn from the issue of the journal.

The editorial board has the right to make decisions on the application of sanctions in each individual case, to inform the chief editors of the journals of related subjects of violations of ethical norms and regulations, as well as to disclose the names of unfair authors.

The editorial board is always ready to explain its decision, as well as to apologize if it is impossible to reach a compromise between intellectual and ethical norms, regarding the article, that contradicts the interests of public, human principles and morals.

All correspondence, regarding the cases of ethic norms violation, should be kept in Editorial board during 3 years.

Authorship ethics

The authors confirm their authorship by the very fact of submitting materials for publication in the journal «Aerospace Engineering and Technology». In case of co-authors the corresponding author guarantees, that the list of authors is complete, and that all the authors approved the final edition of the article and signed their agreement for the publication, that all the necessary reliable information about them is available. The list of authors is limited to those who have made a significant scientific contribution to the concept, development and implementation or interpretation of the presented research. If there are any other participants of research project, they should be mentioned in Acknowledgement section or listed as assistants or sponsors.

The authors guarantee that they have written a completely original article, present a rationale for the relevance of the research, accurate background data, an accurate account of the work done and an objective discussion of its relevance. The paper should be sufficiently detailed and has links, so that other researches might reproduce its results. The authors can be asked to provide primary data related to article material for editorial review. This data should be prepared for public access.

Personal attacks, disparaging remarks and accusations directed against other researchers should be avoided. All forms of slander, expansive and affective language, profanity, insults, calls for violence and illegal actions, propaganda of extremist activities, political and religious movements are unacceptable.

Sources of external information, used in writing the text, are presented in full in the form of lists of sources (published, including papers of the authors, published earlier and manuscripts) and consultants (when the field researches are publishing). All borrowings should be formed as quotations and/or links. Any forms of plagiarism are unacceptable. The author should not copy the links from other publications to the papers that he or she has not become acquainted.

Autoplagiarism, i.e. an attempt to reprint own previously published work without significant changes, including foreign publications in foreign languages, as well as simultaneous submission of the same work to the journal “Aerospace Engineering and Technology” and to another publication are not allowed. The authors should indicate that their paper is published for the first time. If the parties of the manuscript have been published earlier in the other article, the authors should refer to this material and indicate the big difference of a new paper from the previous one, as well as provide its association with previous results of researches and conclusions. A word-to-word copying of its own papers and its rephrasing are unacceptable and can be used only as a basis for the new conclusions.

If there are sources of funding and other forms of support that might be interpreted as influencing or interpreting the results, these sources should be correctly identified. Direct advertising of companies, their individual divisions, their performance, their brands, etc., is unacceptable.

Any changes to the peer-reviewed text that has been accepted for publication should be agreed with the editorial board. If the author finds a significant error or inaccuracy in his published work, he should immediately notify the editorial board of the journal or the publisher and cooperate with them to eliminate the errors or inaccuracies and correct the article. The author can refuse the publication only before his materials are not sent for editing. In case of flat refusal for publication on this stage the Editorial board has a right not to take for examination any papers from this author for up to 3 years.

Materials, that are taken for printing and sent for editing, but not published yet, are not allowed to be provided for public access. In case of violation of this rule, materials are withdrawn from publication, and Editorial board reserves the right not to take for examination any papers from this author for up to 3 years.

Reviewing ethics

The review helps to make a decision about article publication, as well as to improve the article with consent of the author.

Reviewing in the journal «Aerospace Engineering and Technology» is one-sided blind (anonymous), that is, the name of the reviewer is not disclosed to the author, unless the reviewer himself wishes to disclose it after the final decision on the publication of materials.

The independent reviewers are informed of the requirements for the content of the review, the deadlines for giving an opinion, as well as information about changes in the editorial policy.

A reviewer who considers himself or herself insufficiently competent to review the research presented in the article or who cannot be objective, e.g. in case of a conflict of interest with the author or organization due to competition, cooperation or other relations, or knows that he or she will not be able to give an opinion in time, must notify the Editorial board and refuse to review the manuscript.

An article received for review is a confidential document. The reviewer should not use it for personal purposes or show it to third parties not authorized by the editorial board.

The review must be objective and unbiased. Personal criticism and personal attacks on the author are unacceptable. Reviewers must express their views clearly and reasonably.

Reviewers should be able to identify published papers on the research topic that have not been quoted by the authors. Since accusations of plagiarism can affect the scientific career of the author, any claim that observations, research or arguments have been previously submitted must be formalized by an appropriate reference to the source cited. If the reviewer doubts the validity of the data or the advisability of publishing the scientific work, the Editorial Board provides the author with an opportunity to answer the questions posed. The Editorial board has the right to refuse the services of an unscrupulous reviewer and transfer the manuscript to another independent expert.

Ethic philosophy of Editorial Board

Editorial board of the journal provides the high quality published materials, meets the needs of readers and authors, and brings the substantial contribution into development of national and foreign science. By the way of guiding lines of Editorial board activity, the timeliness, importance, originality, clarity, integrity, completeness, feasibility and impartiality of scientific and research materials publishing are established.

The editorial board invites highly qualified specialists who actively contribute to the development of the journal.

The International Editorial board of the journal “Aerospace Engineering and Technologies” is the highest body of the publication management and control over it. The members of the Editorial board have the right to suspend or reject the publication of materials by a collective decision. Articles submitted for publication by members of the Editorial board are considered on a general basis.

The editors guarantee that all information in the articles is kept confidential until publication within the framework of the current laws of the Russian Federation. Unpublished material presented in articles should not be used in the editors’ own research without the written consent of the author.

Conflicts of interest between editors and authors are completely avoided. If a conflict of interest arises, the author’s material will be sent to another editor.

Editors check manuscripts for manipulation, plagiarism, duplication or redundancy.

Editorial board reserves the right to decline the material prior the peer-reviewing, if it would be considered as low quality or not meeting the journal requirements material, as well as in case of symptoms of aspersion, insult, plagiarism or copyrights violation. This decision is taken honestly and impartially, taking into account the editorial policies of the journal.

The Editorial board guarantees an independent review of the materials, ensuring the honesty and objectivity of the statement regarding the scientific value of the article intended for publication. The Editorial Board selects reviewers, who are independent with respect to the material being considered for publication, have sufficient experience and have no conflict of interest. Based on the results of the review, the Editorial board makes a decision to accept the manuscript for publication, to return it for revision or to reject it. The final editorial decision and the reasons for it are communicated to the authors.

All conflicts, that might appear between the participants of editorial and publishing process, are solving with direct involvement of the Editorial team. Editorial board takes on an obligation to promptly process every complaint for improper conduct of manuscript authors and authors of already published articles in the shortest possible time, and irrespectively of the time of its obtaining to take reasonable measures in respect of these complaints. In order to ensure objectivity, the Editorial board strives to obtain the most accurate information from the authors of the disputed publication or copyright holders and studies it, considers the arguments of all interested parties. The editorial decision is impartial, objective and uninfluenced by third parties. The editorial board has the right to refuse to publish the article, to discontinue further cooperation with the author, to issue an appropriate refutation, and to take other necessary measures to further suppress the unethical conduct of the author when the complaint is substantiated.

Editorial board guarantees high scientific quality of materials, published in the journal, and, if necessary, takes on an obligation to publish amendments, explanations and excuses.

The editorial board places information materials for authors (a list of the necessary requirements for articles, the procedure for consideration and review of articles) in the journal and on the website

Editorial board provides all stages of editorial and publishing process:

•           Preliminary examination of manuscripts;

•           Selection reviewers considering scientific interests of the latter;

•           Keeping names of reviewers in secret

•           Information of the author about the decision regarding article approval, declining or appointing the additional peer-reviewing;

•           Information of members of the Editorial team with the content of the current issue;

•           Direction of materials, approved for publication to editor, translator and proofreader;

•           Direction of proof read materials for layout;

•           Provision to the authors the final version of the article for proofreading;

•           Final proofreading (revision) of the issue prior its publication on the web-site and sending its to publishing house.

To ensure the accuracy of the data published, the Editorial board takes on an obligation to make appropriate amendments or correct typos as soon as possible. The online version of the material is corrected with the date of correction and a link to the printed list of typos is provided.

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