Engineering of isostatic pressing apparatus complex.
Еrmolenkov P. А., Аfimin G. О., Rasulov Z. N., Bildina К. А. PDF Abstract: Modes of cold isostatic pressing for…
Scientific online journal
Еrmolenkov P. А., Аfimin G. О., Rasulov Z. N., Bildina К. А. PDF Abstract: Modes of cold isostatic pressing for…
Vasilkov D. V., Alexandrov A. S., Golikova V. V. PDF Abstract: The application includes on-linear dynamic model of a piecewise…
Smirnov P. G. PDF Abstract: Considering gas-dynamic processes associated with the combustion of various fuels in rocket engines, the problem…
Мusteikis А. I., Kolosenok S. V., Kolosenok А. S. PDF Abstract: The article considers the problem of diagnostics of liquid-propellant…
Мalkov V. М., Еmelyanovа А. V. PDF Abstract: This article deals with multiple-nozzle ejectors having several nozzles arranged around the…