Scientific online journal
Еrmolenkov P. А., Аfimin G. О., Rasulov Z. N., Bildina К. А.
Abstract: Modes of cold isostatic pressing for flat samples made by SLM printing have been investigated. The methods of the experiment have been established, mechanical properties, as well as microstructure and porosity of the samples have been studied. A schematic diagram of laboratory model of complex isostatic pressing of specimens and products manufactured by methods of additive technologies was developed, a laboratory bench for creating barometric pressure and carrying out cold isostatic pressing was established.
Keywords: titanium alloys, heat-resistant alloys, 3D-printing products, isostatic pressing, additive technologies, microstructure, porosity.
For citation: Еrmolenkov P. А., Аfimin G. О., Rasulov Z. N., Bildina К. А. Engineering of isostatic pressing apparatus complex. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2023. Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 184–195.