ISSN: 2949-401X

Potanina E. Yu., Litvinov V. L., Guskov A. V., Milevsky K. E.

Abstract: Jetting in cylindrical cumulation is an elusive process. The paper investigates cumulative jetting dur-ing the compression of cylindrical shells by means of a hydrodynamic model and numerical simulation. A method for improving jetting in cylindrical cumulation and normalizing the temperature in the jet formation zone – using a small diameter tube inside the main cladding made of refractory ni-obium – has been proposed and substantiated. The critical factor in the jet formation zone is out-lined. Thus, suggestions were made to improve cumulative jetting in cylindrical cumulation.

Keywords: cylindrical cumulation, cylindrical shell compression, explosive throwing, hydrodynamic theory of cumulation, high-temperature phenomena.

For citation: Potanina E. Yu., Litvinov V. L., Guskov A. V., Milevsky K. E. Jetting in cylindrical cumulation. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2023. Vol. 1. No. 2, pp. 43–57.

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