ISSN: 2949-401X

Samokhvalov V. N., Chernikov D. G., Yusupov R. Yu., Kibisov O. I.

Abstract: The possibility and efficiency of intra-channel cooling of an inductor system with a magnetic field concentrator, used in the processes of pulsed magnetic metal processing, by a low-temperature air flow from a vortex tube with an ejector are considered. It has been established that the proposed method and device have a sufficiently high efficiency and a high process safety.

Keywords: magnetic pulse processing, magnetic field concentrator, cooling, vortex tube, ejector.

For citation: Samokhvalov V. N., Chernikov D. G., Yusupov R. Yu., Kibisov O. I. Efficiency evaluation of the use of a vortex tube with an ejector for intrachannel cooling of the inductor concentrator for pulsed magnetic processing of materials. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2023. Vol. 1. No. 2, pp. 58–71.

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