ISSN: 2949-401X

Kosyakov S. I., Kulichkov S. N., Mishenin A. A.

Abstract: The problem of studying the structure of the leading-edge shock wave front is solved by comparing the experimental data with the results of experiments and calculations. The analyzed results were obtained by summarizing published experimental data or our own experiments, numerical and analytical calculations. It is shown that the width of the leading-edge shock wave front follows the universal (regardless of the nature of the source) energy similarity law expressed in cylindrical coordinates. Its pressure profile is described by an exponentially convex function. Recommendations for the practical application of the results in experimental studies are suggested.

Keywords: leading wave, pressure profile, shock wave, front structure, width.

For citation: Kosyakov S. I., Kulichkov S. N., Mishenin A. A. Structure of a leading-edge shock wave front. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2023. Vol. 1. No. 2, pp. 33–42.

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