ISSN: 2949-401X

Khakimov A. G.

Abstract: The hypersonic gas flow around a soft cylindrical shell is studied. The pressure on the surface of an inextensible shell is determined by Newton’s theory. The aim of the paper is to determine the shape of the shell, the pressure distribution over the surface of the soft shell, drag force, and drag coefficient. With an increase in the velocity pressure, the shell is stretched along the flow. Deformation of the shell causes a decrease in pressure at points far from the axis of symmetry. Taking into account the ave¬rage pressure leads to a decrease in: the front profile of the shell, the pressure on the shell surface, and the ratio of the resistance coefficient of the soft shell to the resistance coefficient of the round cylinder.

Keywords: soft shell, shape, hypersonic gas flow, medium pressure, flow around

For citation: Khakimov A. G. Flow around a soft cylindrical shell with hypersonic gas flow. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2023. Vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 92–102. EDN EXTOZO

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