ISSN: 2949-401X

Isaev S. A., Nikushchenko E. A., Iunakov L. P.

Abstract: The article discusses verification of the MSST-model 2003 with correction for streamline curvature according to the Rodi – Leschziner – Isaev approach (RLI) for separated flow and heat transfer in a narrow channel with a conical dimple located on a heated wall with a slope angle of 45°. The numerical predictions of the integral and local characteristics obtained with standard and modified MSST were compared. The standard MSST 1993 and the RLI-corrected MSST 2003 were found to be superior.

Keywords: vortex, heat transfer, conical dimple, channel, calculation

For citation: Isaev S. A., Nikushchenko E. A., Iunakov L. P. Verification of standard and corrected SST-models with the consideration of the streamline curvature for separated flow and heat transfer calculation in a conical dimple on a narrow channel wall. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2023. Vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 54–79. EDN AFLBBA

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