Bulat P. V., Volkov K. N., Dudnikov S. Yu., Prodan N. V., Chernyshov P. S.
Abstract: The flow around thick airfoils at low Reynolds numbers and the possibility of using methods to control these flow parameters, increasing lift and reducing drag are considered. The calculations are based on a series of propulsion airfoils obtained via a combination of solving the inverse problem of aerodynamics and stochastic methods of global optimization. The calculations take account of a transition from laminar to turbulent conditions, which affects the lift and drag of the airfoil. The applicability of various turbulence models for simulating flow around an airfoil at low Reynolds numbers is discussed. The results of the above calculation make it possible to determine the lift coefficient dependence on the angle of attack and the air flow taken from the airfoil surface optimal for each angle. The results of numerical simulation are compared with the physical experimental data, allowing us to draw conclusions about the accuracy of various turbulence models.
Keywords: aerodynamics, laminar-turbulent transition, airfoil, flow around, turbulence, boundary layer, lift force, drag force
For citation: Bulat P. V., Volkov K. N., Dudnikov S. Yu., Prodan N. V., Chernyshov P. S. Application of ener¬gy methods for control of aerodynamic parameters of thick airfoils at low Reynolds numbers under conditions of laminar-turbulent transition. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2023. Vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 27–53. EDN BUOCTD