Scientific online journal
Arkhipov P. А., Kolychev А. V., Kernozhitsky V. А.
Abstract: The thermal emission cooling of the critical point of the spherical blunt in the flight Mach number range from M = 5 to M = 20 at an altitude of 40 km in high-speed flowing has been calculated. It is found that thermal emission cooling is evident from M = 13, after which a significant reduction in the temperature of the critical point of the spherical blunt is possible. For the first time in the world, it is suggested and proved that heating diagnostics at fly numbers lower than M = 13 can be performed due to thermionic emission of electrons which currents essentially exceed ionic saturation currents from plasma of the incoming flow.
Keywords: thermionic emission cooling, compensated mode, thermal loads, electron energy output work.
For citation: Arkhipov P. А., Kolychev А. V., Kernozhitsky V. А. Thermionic cooling of highspeed aircraft components considering space charge limitation. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2023. Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 105–116.