ISSN: 2949-401X

VOL. 1, NO, 1, 2023

May 19, 2023
Artificial intelligence in the modern world: hopes and dangers of creation and use

Evseev V. I.

Key scientific views, statements and definitions associated with the place and role of artificial intelligence in modern society, science and technology are presented. It is noted that artificial intelligence has an important role in scientific, technical and social development of the modern ⋅ © Евсеев В. И., 2023 Мехатроника и робототехника 17 world. However, its unsystematic creation and application may lead to hazardous consequences in the hands of aggressive circles, aiming at domination and dictate their will to other countries and nations during globalization, as well as representatives of dishonest business, striving to commercial success by any means. The humanistic orientation of activity and responsibility of scientists, engineers, managers and politicians in preventing the destructive effects of artificial intelligence for the world community was noted.

Zyuzlikov V. P., Sinilshchikov B. Е., Sinilshchikov V. B., Abdurashidov Т. О., But А. B.

The article is an overview of various aspects of water supply in launch complexes of space rockets. It analyzes the physical processes which cause thermal, acoustic and shock-wave loading on the elements of launch complex and the rocket during the launch. The physical mechanisms and principles leading to reduction of these loads when water supply system is used are described, as well as the factors influencing the efficiency of water supply system with respect to load reduction. Different types of water supply systems: in-jet, out-of-jet, swirl and curtain generators – and their influence on each type of loading are studied. The results of numerical simulation of gas-drop currents in the operation of water supply systems are presented. The methods of investigating the efficiency of such systems are briefly examined.

Kryzhevich G. B.

The purpose of this article is to formulate the main provisions of a universal method for constructing a constant life diagrams (CLD) based on experimental data, which provides the creation of a scientifically based approach to systematization of data on the effect of average cycle stresses on the fatigue strength of polymer composite materials (PCM) under tension-compression conditions. It has been established that the forms of CLD for layered PCMs are very diverse (compared to metals, alloys and other structural materials), which is explained by a significant accumulation of fatigue damage under the action of variable stresses not only in those parts of the loading cycle when the zone of potential damage is stretched, but also when itshrinks. It has been established that, in the general case, layered PCMs are characterized by the presence of three CLD sections. Non-linear dependencies are proposed for approximating the end sections and linear ones for the middle section. An algorithm for selecting the middle section of the diagram based on the creation of a polynomial CLD model, implemented by the methods of the theory of experiment planning, is proposed.

Stazhkov S. M., Kuzmin A. O., Yelchinsky V. S., Mekhonoshin D. S.

Currently, the compilation of mathematical models of control objects is one of the most urgent tasks. Due to the development of computer technology, it has become possible to solve partial differential equations accurately and quickly, as well as solve dynamics problems. In this paper, the calculation of the bearing capacity of the lubricating layer of the working fluid in the “piston – guiding bushing” pair of an axial piston hydraulic swash plate machine is investigated in order to accelerate calculations for further solving the dynamic model of the piston pair. In the course of the work, it was found out that equation approximation is not an obvious way to speed up calculations, and the next step is the use of neural networks to approximate a function from time–varying parameters.

Gusev A. V., Коzhevnikova Е. А.

We consider different ways of braking the hydraulic cylinder rod in hydraulic actuators in lowering an object. We have developed mathematical models for hydraulic actuators using each braking method, namely, braking due to a restrictor, braking during lowering under own weight and braking due to changing the set power of the regulated axial piston pump. A comparative analysis of the braking methods with different types of regulation – throttle and volume-throttle – is given.

Arkhipov P. А., Kolychev А. V., Kernozhitsky V. А.

The thermal emission cooling of the critical point of the spherical blunt in the flight Mach number range from M = 5 to M = 20 at an altitude of 40 km in high-speed flowing has been calculated. It is found that thermal emission cooling is evident from M = 13, after which a significant reduction in the temperature of the critical point of the spherical blunt is possible. For the first time in the world, it is suggested and proved that heating diagnostics at fly numbers lower than M = 13 can be performed due to thermionic emission of electrons which currents essentially exceed ionic saturation currents from plasma of the incoming flow.

Еvsееv D. Yu., Оvchinnikovа О. К.

Development of power engineering leads to increasing popularity of renewable energy sources among which wind energy is one of the most preferable. The proliferation of wind energy requires continuous improvement of approaches to design of wind wheels and, consequently, to modelling of their aerodynamic characteristics. Wind turbine blades are a structure formed by fixing aerodynamic profiles at various angles of attack on a curved base. The efficiency of a wind turbine directly depends on the shape of the blade and the airfoils used in its design. Therefore, the task of investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of single profiles in order to find an optimum angle of attack for fixing them on the airfoil and numerical simulation of blades flowing by unsteady air flows with variable velocity is relevant. The numerical solution for aerodynamic profiles and blades of the wind wheel flowing by the air flow with the variable velocity is presented in this article. The obtained results are presented as the fields of gasdynamic parameters and flow lines and give the insight into the nature of the air flow in the vicinity of the wind rotor blades.

Мalkov V. М., Еmelyanovа А. V.

This article deals with multiple-nozzle ejectors having several nozzles arranged around the mixing chamber shell instead of one central nozzle, thus intensifying the mixing process of ejector and ejected flows. The efficiency of the multi-nozzle ejector is significantly increased compared to the traditional ejector design due to improved flow characteristics. A detailed analysis of the influence of all geometric parameters of the working channel on the ejector characteristics has been performed. The correlation between the geometric parameters of the flow channel of the multi-nozzle ejector and its launch, drag and load characteristics is revealed. Guidelines are issued for the selection of design solutions when developing a multi-nozzle ejector for various installations.

Мusteikis А. I., Kolosenok S. V., Kolosenok А. S.

The article considers the problem of diagnostics of liquid-propellant rocket engines of low thrust developed in higher educational institutions within the framework of scientific research in the field of prospective commercial cosmonautics. The requirement for new methods of advanced diagnostics of prototypes being manufactured is revealed, as calculation of small thrust nozzle heads yields the results with lower accuracy than expected. A Literature Review on Optical Diagnostics of Flames and Launches of Liquid Rocket Engines has been conducted. Preliminary tests of low thrust (70 N) liquid rocket engines have been carried out. The radiation of combustion products was recorded by a video camera in the spectral region corresponding to the molecular bands of oxides of destructible structural materials. The structure of images of hydrogen afterburning flames in the flooded region and elements of supersonic jets were analyzed. Options for automatic processing of video frames using algorithm libraries for the Python programming language were considered. The proposed toolkit is suitable for research testing of low thrust liquid propulsion rocket engines.

Smirnov P. G.

Considering gas-dynamic processes associated with the combustion of various fuels in rocket engines, the problem of determining the equilibrium composition of combustion products and their properties, as well as the heat effect of the reaction arises. The equilibrium composition of a mixture can be calculated by methods based on the equilibrium constant as well as by minimising the thermodynamic potentials: the Gibbs energy (isobaric potential) or the Helmholtz energy (isochoric potential). The calculation of the equilibrium composition using the equilibrium constants is a very inconvenient method, as it requires detailed information about the chemical reactions, which in most cases are poorly known. The calculation of equilibrium by minimisation of thermodynamic potentials requires only data on the initial composition and on the thermodynamic properties of the substances that will be part of the reaction products. The calculation method of the equilibrium composition of combustion products by Gibbs energy minimization and its programming implementation are considered in this article.

Vasilkov D. V., Alexandrov A. S., Golikova V. V.

The application includes on-linear dynamic model of a piecewise linear type in the space of state variables, in which, based on the rheological approach, the features of contact interactions in the technological system during cutting from the front and back surfaces of the cutting tool are considered. A feature of cutting dynamics is adhesive-deformation contact interactions in the form of slip and setting phases, alternating over time. Each phase is represented by a dynamic characteristic in the form of a first-order aperiodic link with rheological characteristics corresponding to this phase. The conditions for the transition from one phase to another are determined synergistically by the system itself in the form of a function of switching between the setting and sliding phases during the formation and breaking of adhesive bonds in the cutting zone. To solve the modeling problem, a nonlinear system of differential equations of motion of a piecewise linear type was compiled. As a result of the simulation, it was possible to obtain periodic solutions with access to limit cycles. The proposed dynamic model is the basis for modeling quality parameters during machining, such as surface roughness, initial stresses in the surface layer, etc.

Еrmolenkov P. А., Аfimin G. О., Rasulov Z. N., Bildina К. А.

Modes of cold isostatic pressing for flat samples made by SLM printing have been investigated. The methods of the experiment have been established, mechanical properties, as well as microstructure and porosity of the samples have been studied. A schematic diagram of laboratory model of complex isostatic pressing of specimens and products manufactured by methods of additive technologies was developed, a laboratory bench for creating barometric pressure and carrying out cold isostatic pressing was established.

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