Scientific online journal
Dudnikov S. Yu., Vokin L. O., Kuznetsov P. N.
Abstract. Propeller-ring propulsors are widely used on vehicles with high engine power per unit of propeller swept area (such as hovercraft and aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing capabilities). Numerical modeling allows for the selection of aerodynamic configurations of new aircraft and their engines, as well as the determination of the optimal operating modes. The characteristics of the propeller-ring propulsor in various flight modes, with different blade pitch angles, are calculated based on results of CFD experiment. The influence of the radial gap above the blade tip on the thrust and the available power of the propellerring propulsor is investigated.
Keywords: quadrocopter, propellerring propulsion, numerical modeling, thrust, power
For citation: Dudnikov S. Yu., Vokin L. O., Kuznetsov P. N. Influence of the radial gap on thrust characteristics of the quadrocopter propeller-ring propulsor at different flight modes. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2024. Vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 152–167. DOI 10.52467/2949-401X-2024-2-3-152-167. EDN JNSRDC (In Russian)