ISSN: 2949-401X

Anfinogenov E. V., Yakusheva M. A., Dmitriev D. K., Pobelyansky A. V., Levikhin A. A.

Abstract. The features of testing microscale turbojet engines on the test bench of the D.F. Ustinov BGTU “VOENMEH” in different weather conditions and with different engine locations relative to the exhaust ventilation pipe are discussed. The problems that arise during testing of micro-scale turbojet engines are identified, and the influence of climate conditions on engine operation and test stand operation is revealed.

Keywords: microscale turbojet engines, test benches, influence of climate conditions

For citation: Anfinogenov E. V., Yakusheva M. A., Dmitriev D. K., Pobelyansky A. V., Levikhin A. A. Features of the gas dynamics of the test box for ground tests of microscale turbojet engines. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2024. Vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 113–124. DOI 10.52467/2949-401X-2024-2-3-113-124. EDN NEGQJX (In Russian)

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