ISSN: 2949-401X

Martynov V. L., Ksenofontov Yu. G., Afanasieva V. E., Kaydash D. V.

Abstract. The article describes a method of environmental monitoring of the sea waters of the Black sea using modern digital measuring systems and technical means of controlling underwater robotics. The option of using aerospace technology capable of transmitting control signals from aircraft to manned underwater vessels of the Mir type or to submarines is being considered. The implementation of the proposed model using laser technologies will allow the crew not only to broadcast information in the form of instructions, but also to transmit video data. The Black sea area was not chosen by chance, but taking into account its scientific importance. The authors consider the variation in aquatic masses’ transparency to be the main indicator of the change in their ecology. Currently, the method used to measure the transparency of the water medium is based on observing a standard white disc Secchi, which is lowered into the water medium from the deck of a surface vessel. An expert group of 4 to 5 people observes the moment of its disappearance standing on the deck of the ship, and determines the range of observation of the disk in the water by the length of the lowered rope. The desired range is designated as Zb. The used method of transparency measurement has significant drawbacks, including the ability to determine the transparency of water only in the near-surface layer, dependence on weather conditions, as well as low accuracy of measuring the value of Zb. To overcome these drawbacks, the authors have proposed another method of measuring the transparency of an aqueous medium based on the use of laser technologies.

Keywords: aerospace engineering, aircraft, television signal transparency, disc Secchi, attenuation indicator, ecology, hydrooptics, Black sea, aquatic medium, light energy

For citation: Martynov V. L., Ksenofontov Yu. G., Afanasieva V. E., Kaydash D. V. Monitoring of marine waters by underwater vessels: the case of the Black sea using aerospace engineering. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2024. Vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 103–117. DOI 10.52467/2949-401X-2024-2-2-103-117. EDN JGAKTT (In Russian)