ISSN: 2949-401X

Bulat P. V., Vokin L. O., Volkov K. N., Nikitenko A. B., Prodan N. V., Renev M. E.

Abstract. The combustion chamber is one of the main components that determine the energy and mass characteristics of the propulsion system. A detailed description of the combustion chambers of some model engines running on kerosene is given. The results of fire tests and numerical studies of combustion chambers of model small-sized gas turbine engines are considered. To qualitatively compare the results of calculations with the data of a physical experiment, annealed colors are used. Based on the results of the research, a map of tem perature distribution on the walls of the combustion chamber was compiled. The internal and external surfaces of the combustion chamber are unevenly colored with tarnished colors. This coloring is a consequence of non-uniform distributions of temperature and concentration of various components of combustion products, and also indicates the formation of a spatial flow in the combustion chamber.

Keywords: micro gas turbine engine, combustion chamber, heating, cooling, radiation, colour characteristics, annealed colours

For citation: Bulat P. V., Vokin L. O., Volkov K. N., Nikitenko A. B., Prodan N. V., Renev M. E. Experimental and numerical study of combustion chamber wall heating of micro gas turbine engine. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2024. Vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 63–76. DOI 10.52467/2949-401X-2024-2-1-63-76. EDN JEBQDK (In Russian)

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