ISSN: 2949-401X

Evseev V. I.

Abstract: Key scientific views, statements and definitions associated with the place and role of artificial intelligence in modern society, science and technology are presented. It is noted that artificial intelligence has an important role in scientific, technical and social development of the modern ⋅ © Евсеев В. И., 2023 Мехатроника и робототехника 17 world. However, its unsystematic creation and application may lead to hazardous consequences in the hands of aggressive circles, aiming at domination and dictate their will to other countries and nations during globalization, as well as representatives of dishonest business, striving to commercial success by any means. The humanistic orientation of activity and responsibility of scientists, engineers, managers and politicians in preventing the destructive effects of artificial intelligence for the world community was noted.

Keywords: natural intelligence, artificial intelligence, intelligent information system, management, decision support, algorithmic and software, human-machine interaction, humanistic orientation, robotics, neuron, neural network, difficult to formulate tasks, recognition, artificial intelligence training.

For citation: Evseev V. I. Artificial intelligence in the modern world: hopes and dangers of creation and use. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2023. Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 16–34.

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